While UTX is an affluent school with facilities that are not found in Otonokizaka Academy, this does not give A-RISE a real advantage over µ's. Older Than They Look: It's easy to miss due to their comparison to the µ's second years (see Foil above) but official profiles list all of them as third years.Legendary in the Sequel: As of Sunshine they are considered a legendary school idol group alongside µ's.No doubt the trio have their own interesting lives which they could be the main characters in were they not direct rivals to the latter's group in the Love Live contest. Hero of Another Story: They were just as dedicated to their school idol group as Honoka and the other girls were to µ's.According to Tsubasa during her conversion with Honoka, they have taken it well, even stating that they knew they had lost after seeing µ's performance.

Graceful Loser: They lose the final round of the Love Live preliminaries to µ's.Friendly Rival: They provide some pointers for µ's and even allow them to perform on the same stage for round 1 of the Love Live preliminaries because Honoka's group didn't have any other place to perform.Foil: They are one to the second years of µ's: An energetic leader, the serious one who works on the music, and the reserve one who makes the costumes (the movie and the game both confirm Anju is A-RISE's costume maker).µ's challenge in season 2 is how to match A-RISE's massive popularity. Famed in Story: A-RISE has been a popular idol group even before the start of the anime as they already had a nationwide fanbase, which gave them a major advantage over the other school idols during the Love Live competition.Electronic Dance Music: "Private Wars" and "Shocking Party".Color-Coded for Your Convenience: While the individual girls don't seem to have their own colors, the main color of the entire group seems to be yellow, with their main costumes and their ratings bar in the Love Live! being yellow.But in the second season, they openly challenge µ's and have more lines, though Tsubasa gets more focus than Erena or Anju. Ascended Extra: They only had a handful of lines in the first season and were more of an untouchable rival to µ's.A-RISE, on the other hand, saw µ's as their biggest competition and kept their eye on their progress.Īs an already popular group prior to the start of the story, they are the favorites when it comes to winning the Love Live! competition in both seasons. It was seeing them perform that inspired Honoka to become a school idol and ultimately form µ's. However, they only get to officially meet µ's during episode 3 of Season 2. Consisting of three members, they are presented as µ's main rival throughout the series.